
Day 19: Self Reflecting Time

Day 19

Throughout your day begin thinking of what a fasted lifestyle looks like. There are some of you that have been doing a water only fast this week. I wouldn’t suggest living that way for the rest of your life. I would, however, encourage you to remain sensitive. The Holy Spirit will prompt you to fast different things as you go on. Fasting should not be a once a year occurrence. Nor should it be done only with a community. So take some time and answer some of the questions below…

 Self Reflecting Time

Once this 21 day fast is complete you will have the opportunity to propel forward with what you’ve gained. So ask yourself, what have you received from the fast? What do you believe you can change after fasting to maintain what you’ve grown in? What can you do to help yourself move forward and remind yourself to be humble? 

Living a fasted lifestyle means you are living in a constant posture of sensitivity. Remain humble and continue to put your flesh under. Perhaps once a week you have a water only fast. You’ve come a long way and it doesn’t need to be a “finish line”. There’s always more from the Giver, Jesus!

We love you, we bless you, we’ll see you tomorrow!


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