
Day 10: Be Encouraged

Day 10

You’re about half way through this fast and I just felt the Lord want to give you encouragement! If today is one of those days that you just aren’t feeling it, it’s ok. You’re not alone! God welcomes honesty. Push in and bring your struggle or complacency to the altar. Know this… as you push through you will see breakthrough!

 Be Encouraged

At the end of last year God gave us the word “exponential”. Exponential is not addition it’s multiplication. This is what fasting produces in you! Rather than 4+4=8 then 8+8=16, exponential means 4×4=16 then 16×16=256!

Take your fast to the next level. If you feel you’ve come up against a wall, push in. Once a week do a water only fast for 24 hours! If you’re pregnant or have health concerns, obviously do not do something that could be dangerous. The fasting of the Bible was a food fast not a social media fast so be sure you are choosing something that your physical body is required to lay aside. There is reward on the other side and it’s exponential! It may come out of no where, but because of your persistence you will see increase. Part of our journey with the Lord is that we don’t get to determine when the growth is revealed. Our role is to be faithful. So, be encouraged and give yourself grace!

Galatians 6:9 “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.”

We love you, we bless you, we’ll see you tomorrow!


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